Shooting commercials

Advertising video is small, but the main part of the marketing company. A good idea and quality performance of the video is the key to effective marketing. It is for this reason to trust the shooting of commercials can only be verified video production.

With VideoNova production you get:

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Commercial video from the manufacturer of large home appliances Hansa. Learn more about this advertising case at link.

Any ideas for a commercial?

We are ready to provide shooting, drawing and 3D video clips for both TV and WEB. This is a very wide range of directions and sites for rotation.

If you come with a ready-made marketing campaign – you already have an understanding of sites for rotation and even sketches of ideas for future videos. It is not worth pulling!

Contact us right now and get a detailed cost estimate for the production.

In case you’re still in the process of being determined, we’re always there to help. Learn the difference between TV commercials and WEB.

What are the differences between an advertising company for TV and WEB?

The first is the budgets! For a TV company, the budgets are several times higher. All this is due to the complexity of identifying the target audience, competition, coverage and document flow with strict time rights and restrictions. No matter how abrupt, but the percentage of non-targeted placement is high enough.
Not that we are inclined to choose Internet marketing (there are enough nuances), but every year the airwaves are losing their positions.

Commercial video of Mottarone sause.
Duration of 30 seconds. Case

A large all-Ukrainian #somethingwentwrong project is designed to popularize a new course on civic education. Learn more about this case study at link.

All kinds of videos are available for you
  • staged (shot on camera)
  • animated video (painted video)
  • 3D video

Or their combinations, as it is quite often necessary to use graphic and 3D elements in the staged videos.


The full cycle of production of commercial video we have already described in the distant 2014 year. Shortly speaking, the process consists of:

Depending on the complexity of realization of shooting processes, the estimate can surprise both increasing and decreasing. But if we average, it will cost $10,000 to create a WEB clip and $30,000 to create a TV clip. And we don’t forget about the variation of ±70%.

Contact us right now and get an estimate for your video absolutely free.

Advertising video Brok Business Bank. Learn more about the case and the shooting process by clicking here.

Movoto promotional video for American real estate company. All 2d graphics cases by link.

Animated commercial video

A variety of promotional videos that do not require filming processes, and are created using computer graphics and animation. They are not better and not worse – they are different.

On the financial side, there are good savings on actors, props, preparatory pre-production and filming processes. It is possible to implement and visualize complex or non-existent products or processes.

In any case, the choice of communication method should be based on the objectives of the marketing campaign.
You can always view our 2D animation cases or get a personalized commercial offer.

3D commercial video

It is rare enough to watch a full 3D advertising video. In the absolute majority is a combination of shooting video or graphic video and 3D elements. This is due to the high cost of production. Naturally, 3D movies have all the advantages of graphic animated video and realistic shooting clips, but there are times when it is more cost-effective to model and shoot a scene in the studio than to create a 3D model with all the materials, textures, shadows, reflections. It’s best to consult with us before making a decision. It should be noted that consultations, as well as the calculation of estimates for the production of video clips, are completely free.

Information video as an example of combining 2d and 3d graphics.

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