Shooting a corporate film


The same script, the same direction, the same cameraman, the same camera, the same stages of organization and video production in general – nothing but peculiarities!

Thus, to get a quality corporate film it is necessary, at a minimum, to study the features of the firm, its strong and competitive advantages, to get acquainted with all departments beforehand and, based on the data obtained, to build a script that will show the firm only from the advantageous side. The script should include, first of all, acquaintance with departments of the firm and its personnel: from the management to general information about employees, team and “peculiarities” of life inside the company itself. This step takes away from the anonymity of firm and the spectator is ready to see its products, not as the pseudo generated goods in points of retail trade, and as a product of manufacture of the well-known company which trust.


Viewer trust in the company is the main task of a corporate film. Every manager of the company is well aware that there are no partnerships without personal contact, acquaintance and heartfelt conversation. Corporate film as close as possible, without excessive stick bend, simulates acquaintance, but only in an interactive mode. It happens that this acquaintance is enough to make a positive decision of a potential partner, and it happens that the film becomes the initiator of a meeting with those partners with whom it was necessary to spend a long way database-call-event-contract. These partners find you themselves and appoint the meetings necessary for the development of the company, saving many months of work of the whole departments.

A corporate film has a number of features and closes two sets of issues that would seem to be inaccessible without its participation. When meeting you do not have the opportunity to conduct a tour of the company, to acquaint with the team, and even more so to show the production so. The first reason is time, or rather its absence, the second is the presentation type of departments, which by default means their withdrawal from the production process, the third is the time cycle of production and finally the territorial location of the company and its main branches.

How to order the production of a corporate film
  • Make an appointment by contacting us in a convenient way;
  • When you meet, answer any questions about the brief;
  • Make a contract;
  • Introduce VideoNova Production representatives to all departments of the company;
  • Get the script and approve it;
  • Get a ready-made corporate film.

An example of a corporate video.

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